Posted by: Luke and Michelle | 12/12/2010

Sunday, 12/12/10

Dock neighbor

Boca Chica Marina, Key West.  Becoming acquainted with other retired boaters in marina,  One evening we went over to “C” dock (we’re on “A” dock to witness the blowing of the conch shells to celebrate the setting of the sun.  All the sail and power boats are aglow with Christmas lighting.  It helps one get into the Christmas spirit.  On Sunday nights the marina inhabitants gather over a buffet dinner at the shelter adjacent to the beach.  Someone volunteers to grill any meat we bring to the dinner.  Then a boater with a LCD projector shows a movie on a bed sheet.  Tonite’s flick was the Grinch who stole Christmas.  Michelle prepared a sausage and multi-colored pepper casserole and chocolate chip/nut sheet cookies.  Delicious.  We rode our bikes into town which is several miles south of the marina along Rt. 1.  It’s scary for a couple of miles as the traffic speeding by are close to the bike lane, but then a separate bike path appears which separates us from traffic. 

Key West rooster family

We rode our bikes around and purchased lunch which we ate by the beautiful Gulf again.  Got some Christmas roards which we filled out over a couple of evenings.  We left our bikes chained to the bike rack at the Navy exchange on Sigsbee Island base and were going to walk a couple of miles to a bus stop to catch a bus back to Boca, but a fellow marina resident, Georgia, offered us a ride back and we accepted.  We’re still considering purchasing a car to get around and not depending on others and the transit system. One day we were walking back from the gym on base and a young man from the marina stopped and offered a ride which we accepted. He was on his way back to his 26′ sailboat to get a few things for his wife who he had just dropped off at the hospital after going into labor with their first child.  We later learned they had a baby girl.  Another lady, Maria, gave us a lift and we were invited to a wkly. Wednesday evening bible study which we did.  The pastor, Dr. Darryl Robinson, was the teacher and we will continue participating in that as we enjoyed it.  We were invited to their church Big Coppitt Key 1st Bapt. church and attended Sun. school and worship services and were made to feel very welcomed there.  Another couple, Jane & Peter, are in their church carpool.  Jane is in a wheelchair and are at the end of our dock.  Peter installed an elevator on the stern of their powerboat for Jane to get on/off the boat.  They own a marina in Minnesota.  Jane’s is an artist and craftsperson and has such a cheery disposition which blessed us.  We visited aboard their boat and saw all her artwork.  Michelle will participate in a wkly. Wed. a.m. bible study with her.  Jane has travelled thousands of miles in a wheelchair on a boat across the Gulf of Mexico.  We saw a school of 26 barracuda at the end of our dock this week and M. wants me to go in the water and check the bottom of our tug.  She must think I’m braver than I am although our friends say they won’t mess with you if you don’t wear shiny jewelry.  We miss Ct., family and friends, but staying connected to God and with loved ones via blog/email helps.  Love, m and l.

Can u see the iguana?


  1. HELLO TUGGERS YOU MAY MISS US IN ONNECTICUT BUT WE ALSO MISS the ADAMS.You also missed a great OHYC christmas party. Sue Sampl showed about 150 slids of the past and present .We left two open setups in hopeing you would drop by.I know you were there in sprit.We also had the usual exchanging of gifts.I am suprised Luke doesn’t have the courage to swim under the tug.They say it’s like fishing,you tie Luke to a line and when you feel a bite pull up quickly.Julie and i spent 2 hours looking for that Iguana on that tree.The temperatures have been in the 50’s but a cold wave is around the corner.STAY SAFE AL & JULIE

    • Sorry we missed the party. How was the chow? luke.

  2. yes traffic can be tedious on bikes on parts of us1 around kw as u found out and as we did feb. 2010. sounds like your finding some great restaurants. is your marina a large one? maybe you guys can spend some of the holidays with us in st. pete. let us know. i realize its a long drive about 7 hrs but were worth it. ha.ha.

  3. Hi folks! We just had our bible study/Growth Group Christmas dinner tonight and we were talking about you in a LOVELY way! We launched onto your blog and wanted to say hello and Merry Christmas. So from Jim, Justine, Marcia, Paul, Nancy R and Ed R we all say hello!! It’s been cold here, Nancy is now retired and we all wish we were in her shoes and yours!!!!!! but we will perservere like Paul and wait until God leads us into the next step…Thinking of you. JIm and I might be in Key West in April, will you be there??? We’d love to see you while there.

    • hi friends, thank u for the reply & thinking of us so far away. You feel close to us because of the love we share for Jesus. We do miss you though. Great to hear you all are getting together regularly to open the Word & grow closer in your relationship with God. We miss our first church family very much. We checked out your pictures at the Turkey Manchester Run–nice times. Congrats. Nancy, we’ve met one or two from Alabama & reminded us of you–we couldn’t tell them your maiden name/or town–what are they? Congrats also on your retirement–feels good doesn’t it? Maybe since you have the time you can come down and kayak with us as we’re building up our courage to do that with the barracuda & crocs. love, L & M

  4. Hello Luke & Michelle – just got your Christmas card so I was able to finally get your blog. I was given the wrong blog address by someone and was frustrated I couldn’t hear of your adventures, but now I plan to follow regularly! I envy you both the new lifestyle and your willingness to open yourselves up to God’s world. We had a difficult time this fall – Fred was ill and had to have his gallbladder removed. They ran into complications in surgery and were not able to do it laprascopically so he had to have a big abdominal incision. For weeks he felt very weak and ill and was readmitted to the hospital but he has finally rallied. The doctor is still tweaking all his medications because his blood pressure is very low and when he stands up he sometimes blacks out and falls. It has been a challenge. I had him on the prayer list at church for weeks and, thank God, he is finally feeling better! I will keep tabs on you. Enjoy the season and Merry Christmas to you both!

    • dear arlene & fred, we’ll be praying for complete recovery. sorry, i won’t be around to snow blow your sidewalks for you. some of our kids and granddaughter are coming down to be with us early jan. have new people at 199 moved in yet? abby & craig are their names-both teach in berlin. love, luke & michelle ps we do become homesick for our parsonage st. circle of friends.

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